King of Catan

King of Catan Rankings

King of Catan offers multiple rankings: the Copper Rankings, the ELO-rankings for both Cities & Knights and “Base Game” (which is the name used by CATAN Universe and to refer to Settlers of Catan and CATAN) the Base Game Season Rankings and the Cities & Knights Season Rankings. Check out here what tournaments King of Catan offers.

Copper Rankings

The Copper Rankings are the all-time King of Catan Rankings. Each player starts with 20 Coppers and when you win a game, you receive a certain amount of Coppers as a reward. If you lose a game, you lose one Copper. It depends on what game mode and how many players participated to determine how many Coppers the winner will receive. Longer games (like Greater Catan and Enchanted Land) receive more coppers and games with less players, like Rivals for Catan receive less Coppers.

ELO Rankings

The King of Catan ELO Rankings are all-time rankings as well. You gain points if you win, you lose points if you lose. The basic principle of ELO is that when you beat someone with a higher ELO score, you receive more points than when  you beat a player with a lower ELO score. If you want to know the exaxt formula and the details of the KoC ELO Rankings, check-out this presentation.

Base Game (CATAN) Season Rankings

The Base Game Seasons last five weeks. You start with 50 Playoff Points (PP), when you win, you gain +4 PP. And when you lose a game, you lose a PP as well. After these five weeks, the top performers qualify for the playoffs.

Cities & Knights Season Rankings

The Cities & Knights Seasons last five weeks. You start with 50 Playoff Points (PP), when you win, you gain +4 PP. And when you lose a game, you lose a PP as well. After these five weeks, the top performers qualify for the playoffs.

Game for the Crown - Monarch of Catan

In KoC, you can become the Monarch of Catan. Here’s how it works:

“Monarch of Catan” is a temporary title that passes from player to player.
● There is one Monarch of Catan ruling over all game modes
● You become the new Monarch of Catan by beating the current Monarch in a Game for the Crown
● A new Monarch can decide whether or not to have a game counted as a Game for the Crown during the first twelve hours of their reign
● Every game the Monarch plays after that first twelve hours, whatever the game mode, counts as
a Game for the Crown unless all players involved in the game agree that it should not
● The Monarch must play at least once during any seven day period to retain the crown, otherwise the crown passes on to the player with the highest amount of Copper on the Copper Rankings
● Every challenger pays three copper to take part in a Game for the Crown (if you do not have three copper you can still be a challenger)

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